[below is my notion page for my weekly workouts and goals! i manually update my weekly workout split when necessary (isn’t often) and alter it if i’m taking a class or doing a new workout different than my typical split. additionally, i provide my split or workout explanation in the drop down under the day. to the side, i have a goals list with tags describing how i’m working towards my goal and when i want to reach my goal by! i don’t include fitness in my tasks on my schedule, but you can definitely turn this view into a calendar and add scheduled workouts. this can then be added to the home calendar view. you can delete this comment and all other text boxes highlighted yellow if wanted.]

🤸🏻‍♂️ weekly workout split

  1. Monday: [Workout or Rest]
  2. Tuesday: [Workout or Rest]
  3. Wednesday: [Workout or Rest]
  4. Thursday: [Workout or Rest]
  5. Friday: [Workout or Rest]
  6. Saturday: [Workout or Rest]
  7. Sunday: [Workout or Rest]
